(Top photo: "Welcome to Quebec City, the National Capital" - funny. And so it begins ...)
Hello from the east coast! Sorry it has taken me SO long to update this. I was without internet for 8 days, and it felt like an eternity. Today, I finally got things hooked up in my room, so I am back to being connected to the world! What a relief. It is very hard to start in a new place without the internet - maps, bus routes, store hours, etc ... my SFU buddies and I were hit and miss all last week. :) Even though we were on campus here at Laval, we had no communication with the school because it is mostly done by internet - isn't technology great? ha.
So far so good. Life here has been surprisingly enjoyable. The dorm I am in is old school, but really clean and equipped with all of the modern conveniences of home - a sink in every room, all the furniture we could possibly need, showers and bathrooms just a few doors down, a 3rd floor view of the courtyard, a TV room downstairs with a big screen TV, a grand piano in the lobby, kitchens, laundry rooms, ice machines, pop machines, candy machines, coffee machines, tunnels to everywhere on campus (for those frosty winter days to come), etc, etc, etc. Two of my SFU buddies and I are in the one residence (all girls) that is separate from the three others (further from classes, but right across the street from the grocery store and three malls). I am so thankful to be in this one - you can see pics of it on Facebook if you like. Four other SFU students from that cohort program I used to be in are here, too - I never realized how much easier it was to move somewhere new with someone else. Most of my life, I have done these giant steps alone, but it has been really great having them here to go through all these firsts together. I am in a completely different program than them, but hopefully, we will run into each other from time to time. I start classes on Thursday -- I'll keep you posted on the academic front.
As for the French, I think a lot has changed since I was here last. Part of me thinks Quebeckers are a little warmer towards anglophones than they were back in 1994 when I was here last (they were only months away from that nearly fateful referendum back then). Part of the difference is that my French is exponentially better than it was back in the day, although I still have so much to learn. Thankfully, it hasn't been as difficult as I imagined. Or rather, I haven't been as traumatized as I envisioned. :) I understand most everyone, but my speaking could really use some work. The other day, the registrar had me in her office to register me in classes, and she told me three times that we were done before I understood and responded appropriately - I was nodding and smiling, thinking she was telling a joke; she was actually telling me to leave. My bad. :) God has been gracious in giving me a newfound confidence in speaking even in situations that would make me nervous in English. I even made casual conversation with a complete stranger today in French. I don't know how other people move from their homeland to another country without being thoroughly equipped in the new language (like immigrants who come to Canada without English). I am having enough difficulty, and I have spoken French for 24 years (though never outside of school). I have a newfound appreciation for what my former students went through. :)
Well, I better get to applying for a few more jobs. I still don't know if I am approved for a Student Loan, so I am here in faith hoping things will work themselves out. Please pray for both the loan and a great job. Miss you all, and hope all is well in your corner of the world.
Talk to you soon.
1 commentaire:
Glad to hear things are going well. Your pictures look great and I would love to come see you. Hopefully we can catch each other on the phone soon. Miss ya. Talk to you later.
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