Nothing else super interesting to report ... a week and a half left of classes, 3 exams, and my career at SFU will be over. No grad, no degree, just a fast track into Laval where things should hopefully start falling into place. My flight has been bought (thank you, Airmiles), the car to get to Quebec from Montreal has been rented, my first month's rent has been paid, and I have a meeting with the director of my program the day after I arrive in Quebec City. Just need to do well in these classes I am taking right now and all should go well. Still could use prayer about Student Loans. I am in the middle of applying for them, and all should work out fine, but I have thought that before and had things turn out disastrously. I'm trying not to think about it until I absolutely have to.
Oh - I forgot! After a year of agonizing, I decided to put my film camera (Canon Rebel 2000 plus telephoto lenses, etc) on Craigslist. Film photography is far too expensive while I am in school, and I really needed my hobby back. Fortunately, three days after posting the set on the web, I had cash in my hand - for all of three hours because I went straight to Best Buy to get my new digital camera. :) I am very happy with it - I have to admit that digital photography has come a long way, and some of the pictures I have taken this week rival the quality of my film photography (say it isn't so!). I purchased a Canon PowerShot A570IS - an entry level point and shoot with manual functions. In the last two weeks, I have taken 1200 photos. That's the equivalent of 50 rolls of film, or what would have cost me $800 with my film camera. I know, moderation is not my middle name (although, wouldn't that be cool? ha). It's just that it had been so long since I have been able to take photos - at least a year, and I had a lot of catching up to do. I love having a hobby again. :)
Well, I guess I should get back to my homework. Hope you all are well - talk to you again soon.
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